The European Database of Seismogenic Faults

Number of references: 3
Author Year Title Reference
Kokkalas S. and Aydin A. 2012 Is there a link between faulting and magmatism in the south-central Aegean Sea? Geol. Mag., Available on CJO doi:10.1017/S0016756812000453
Kreemer C. and Chamot-Rooke N. 2004 Contemporary kinematics of the southern Aegean and the Mediterranean Ridge. Geophys. J. Int., 157, 1377-1392
Lykousis V., Anagnostou C., Pavlakis P., Rousakis G. and Alexandri M. 1995 Quaternary sedimentary history and neotectonic evolution of the eastern part of Central Aegean Sea, Greece. Mar. Geol., 128, 59-71